Therapy Room Leederville, WA, Australia. Counselling and therapy services for adolescents, teenagers, adults and couples.
Clare Walker is a Psychotherapist based in Leederville, Western Australia. She consults from her rooms locally and is also available for Skype sessions. Clare works through issues in Anxiety and depression Adolescent issues, Communication, Dealing with change, Relationship anxiety and attachment issues, Self esteem , Stress management, Life transitions , Work place issues. Contact:
Clare Walker is a Psychotherapist based in Leederville, Western Australia. She consults from her rooms locally and is also available for Skype sessions. Clare works through issues in Anxiety and depression Adolescent issues, Communication, Dealing with change, Relationship anxiety and attachment issues, Self esteem , Stress management, Life transitions , Work place issues. Contact:

Contact Therapy Room

If you would like to get in contact with Therapy Room for an initial
phone consultation or to arrange an appointment, please fill out our enquiry form and we will respond within 48 hours.

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